HC Deb 07 March 1895 vol 31 c554
MR. HERBERT PAUL (Edinburgh, S.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, considering that the Turkish Commission of Inquiry in the Sassoun District of Armenia is a purely local one, and that grave anxiety is felt concerning the fate of Christian prisoners in Turkish prisons, Her Majesty's Government will propose to the Powers who signed the Treaty of Berlin the appointment of International Consular Commissioners to secure the safety and ultimate release of the Christians now confined in Turkish gaols without satisfactory proof of their guilt?


I can only repeat my reply on the 21st ult. to the hon. Member for the Tyneside Division of Northumberland. Any cases which appear to deserve consideration will receive the attention of Her Majesty's Embassy at Constantinople, but in the opinion of Her Majesty s Government it would not be expedient to make proposals under present circumstances for joint international action of the nature described.

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