HC Deb 07 March 1895 vol 31 c560
MR. A. CROSS (Glasgow, Camlachie)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland, on what grounds he refused the application of the Landward School Board of the Parish of Campbeltown for separation of the landward from the burghal portion of the parish for rating purposes; and if, in arriving at his decision, due consideration was given to the unanimous recommendations of the district committee, and also of the Argyleshire County Council, on the subject; and, will he make renewed investigation into the equity of the request.


Full consideration was given to the representations of the Landward School Board and the County Council in favour of the application, and to the representations of Campbeltown burgh School Board, the Parochial Board and Town Council against the proposal. My decision was very carefully considered. In my opinion no substantial grounds were put forward which would have justified the division of the parish into two parts. I can hold out no hope of any different decision being arrived at.