HC Deb 05 March 1895 vol 31 cc388-9
MR. MACARTNEY (Antrim, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that a meeting of the Irish National Federation was held on 6th December, 1894, near Virginia, county Cavan, at which the hon. Member for Cork (as reported in the Drogheda Independent of 8th December, 1894) urged the establishment of a branch that would rouse public opinion against landgrabbers in the neighbourhood, and make them feel that it was not the pleasantest way of passing one's life; whether he is aware that subsequently a placard headed "Down with landgrabbing and the grass taking of evicting landlords" was extensively posted in the neighbourhood of Virginia; that certain persons are being prosecuted for acts of intimidation towards Hugh Moore, of Lisnafund; whether Mr. Fitzsimons who moved a resolution at the meeting above mentioned, is the Mr. Fitzsimons who has recently been appointed to the Commission of the Peace for the county Cavan; whether Mr. Tierney, who presented an address to the hon. Member for Cork on the same occasion, is the Mr. Tierney who has recently been appointed to the Commission of the Peace for the county Cavan; and whether the prosecution of those proceeded against for intimidating Hugh Moore will be brought before the Petty Sessions at which these magistrates are entitled to sit; and, if so, whether the attention of the Lord Chancellor has been called to the matter, and will steps be taken to prevent these magistrates taking part in the proceedings of the Court before which these prosecutions are to be brought?


The facts are substantially as stated. The prosecutions referred to will, it is expected, be heard on the 7th inst., and will take place at a sessions at which Messrs. Fitzasimons and Tierney are entitled to sit as magistrates. It does not, however, appear that either of these gentlemen is implicated in the proceedings in respect of which the prosecutions now pending have been directed. Should the Lord Chancellor, who has been communicated with, have any reason to think otherwise, he will take any steps that may be necessary.