HC Deb 01 March 1895 vol 31 c165

asked a question in reference to the manner in which questions were handed in to clerks at the table, and the way they were dealt with there. He asked the Speaker whether or not, when a question was put in a form not approved by the authorities of the House, some communication might be made to the Member putting the question before it was printed and circulated in order to arrive at some settlement of its terms. He did not wish to criticise the method in which the questions were altered, but he thought that it would tend to facilitate matters and prevent repetition if an indication could be given to a member that the question as laid before the clerks at the table was not considered to be in proper form.


Wherever possible that is done, and in nearly all cases immediate notice is given to hon. Gentlemen if the question is irregular. There is every desire to consult the feelings of hon. Members by giving full notice of an irregularity.


Several objections have been taken to questions of mine, and I have not had any communications on the matter. I am, therefore, only speaking from my personal experience.