COLONEL NOLAN (Galway)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if there will be an opportunity within the next three weeks for a discussion on the frequent indefinite postponements of the ease of the Christian Brothers?
MR. J. MORLEYI do not think the House wants to discuss "frequent indefinite postponements," because there have not been frequent indefinite postponements. As to whether an opportunity of discussing the general question, to which I presume the hon. Member refers, will arise, I do not know whether the House will have time to do so within the next three weeks, but I have every reason to hope the correspondence on the subject will be at an end and that the case will be decided within that period
COLONEL NOLANasked, if there was no indefinite postponement of the date, how the question was indefinitely postponed?
MR. J. MORLEYsaid, it was postponed definitely until the time arrived when an agreement should be arrived at.