HC Deb 17 June 1895 vol 34 c1251

On the Order for the Second Reading of the Great Western Railway (No. 1) Bill.

MR. ALPHEUS MORTON (Peterborough)

who had given notice of a Motion for the rejection of the Bill, said he desired to explain why the opposition to it had been withdrawn. The Bill proposed to appropriate a piece of ground used as an open space at Pangbourne, and the Great Western Railway had agreed to strike out that portion of the clause by which the appropriation would be made, so that there was no longer any reason to oppose the Second Reading.

*MR. G. W. PALMER (Reading)

, who had also given a notice of opposition, said, he desired to associate himself with the hon. Member in this matter. The Great Western Company had fairly met those who had interested themselves in preserving one of the most picturesque spots on the Thames.

Bill read 2°.

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