HC Deb 13 June 1895 vol 34 c1059

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether the engagement by which the Russian Government undertook, when Great Britain evacuated Port Hamilton, not to occupy any position in Corea still holds good; and, whether the Russian pledge equally applies to the territory west and south-west of Corea?


I stated in reply to a previous question from the hon. Member, that full particulars with regard to the withdrawal from Port Hamilton will be found in the Parliamentary Paper, China, No. 1, 1887, and that it would be seen from that correspondence that in the event of the British occupation of Port Hamilton ceasing, Russia gave a distinct pledge to China that in the future Russia would not take Corean territory. Her Majesty's Government consider that this engagement still holds good. The engagement which was given by Russia referred exclusively to Corea territory.


Perhaps the hon. Member will say whether the Government have received any information confirming the statement which appeared in most of the newspapers to-day, that China has agreed to assign to Russia a portion of Manchuria, or a new port for the Russian fleet?


said that he could not answer a question of that kind without notice.