HC Deb 21 February 1895 vol 30 c1257
MR. C. E. SCHWANN (Manchester, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's Government are aware that, in spite of the representations already made to the Porte, Dr. Kazandjian, Bishop of Hadjin, is still detained in exile amongst the Circassians of Bounboudj; and whether, in consideration of the advanced age and infirmities of that prelate, and the veneration in which he is held by the Armenian population of Hadjin, Her Majesty's Government will again endeavour to obtain the Bishop's release?


I regret that I cannot add to answers which I have previously given, and which referred to this case amongst others. Any steps which may be possible must be left to the discretion of Her Majesty's Ambassador, who will not lose any favourable opportunity of calling attention to this case.