HC Deb 21 February 1895 vol 30 cc1266-7
MR. J. G. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury when will the construction of the pier at Killybegs, which was promised so far back as September 1892, be commenced; and whether, having regard to the lack of employment, the failure of the potato crop, and the widespread distress in this district of Donegal, a work which would give a means of livelihood to many heads of families will be no longer delayed; also, whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that upwards of 200 families in the immediate neighbourhood of Killybegs, County Donegal, are at present in the deepest distress through the failure of the potato crop, and are at the present time suffering from the scarcity of food; and whether, having regard to the perilous condition of these families, for whom in 1891 subsistence was provided by work on the Light Railway line then in course of construction, he will take steps for their relief by the institution of works of public utility?


No reports have reached the Local Government Board as to the existence of abnormal destitution in Killybegs, and they point out that there has been, so far, no increase in the numbers receiving relief. The Board have requested their Inspector, who is at present in the district, to report as to the condition of the people. With regard to the question of the erection of a pier at Killybegs, the Irish Government, as I have just observed, are in communication on the subject with the Congested Districts Board, but so far no decision has been come to in the matter.