HC Deb 20 February 1895 vol 30 cc1189-90

Bill read 2°.

MR. J. LOWTHER (Kent, Thanet),

who had on the Paper a Notice of Motion for the rejection of the Bill, but who was not in his place when the Order was called, entering the House from behind the Speaker's Chair, said, he wished to appeal to Mr. Speaker on a point of Order. He understood that the Bill had been read a second time. He had on the Paper a Notice of Opposition, and, from inquiries he had made he was led to believe that the fact of placing a Notice of Opposition to the Bill upon the Paper would have the effect of postponing the Second Reading of the Bill to another day, as the Bill was not put down "By Order." He must therefore protest against the course that had been pursued in the face of the Notice upon the Paper.

MR. E. WASON (Ayrshire, S.)

said, he was asked to move the Second Reading, and, having no instructions to the contrary from the right hon. Gentleman, he complied with the request.


The Motion was made in a full House, in the absence of the right hon. Gentleman, and, there being no objection raised, I had no alternative but to put the Motion.


said his notice was handed in at the Table and it appeared on the Notice Paper. He had asked the Clerk at the Table if the Bill was going to be taken, and he was led to understand that, as the Bill was not down "By Order," it would no doubt, in the usual course of opposed Bills, stand over until another day. On that understanding, and believing that the Bill would be passed over, he had gone from his place behind the Speaker's Chair on a matter of public business. As the general rule had not been followed, he should consider it his duty to to oppose the Bill at a future stage.


I must point out that, at the time the Second Reading was moved the right hon. Gentleman was not present; and there being no opposition, the Second Reading was passed.