§ CAPTAIN A. J. C. DONELAN (Cork, E.)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, whether he is aware that the fissures in the pier at Ballycotton, county Cork, are rapidly widening, and 1080 that the storm-wall has opened out from the pier for more than half its length; whether he is also aware that, owing to the sinking of the pier, the roadway is covered in rainy weather with large pools of water from six to eight inches deep, and that about 40 square feet of the outer end is undermined to such an extent that it will probably soon fall into the sea; and, whether, in view of the absolute necessity of this pier for the safety of the Ballycotton fishermen, steps will be taken to secure it against further dilapidation?
§ *THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Sir J. T. HIBBERT,) OldhamNo doubt my hon. and gallant Friend is already aware that the Grand Jury of county Cork are responsible for maintaining the pier in question, but the Board of Works have power, in cases of emergency, to execute necessary repairs and charge the cost on the county. The pier was inspected by the Board's Assistant Engineer last December, and again last month by the Coast Guard Officer. The former found that practically no movement had occurred in the Sea and Wharf Walls since the pier had been vested in the Grand Jury in 1888; and the Coast Guard Officer reported that the pier had sustained no damage from recent storms. I am advised that nothing has occurred since to warrant the belief that the stability of the work has in any sense been endangered. What I would suggest to my hon. and gallant Friend is that the fishermen of Ballycotton should memorialise the Grand Jury of Cork to maintain the pier in a proper state.
§ CAPTAIN DONELANIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that I inspeted the pier on the 3rd of last month, and that I can vouch for the substantial accuracy of the statements in the questions? and will he endeavour to make some arrangement with the Grand Jury in the county of Cork, who have very properly declined to take over the pier in its present condition.
§ *SIR J. T. HIBBERTThe pier is already vested in the Grand Jury, who are now responsible for its maintenance. My suggestion is that the fishermen should themselves apply to the Grand Jury on the subject.