HC Deb 18 February 1895 vol 30 c946
MR. J. CALDWELL (Lanark, Mid.)

I beg to ask the Civil Lord of the Admiralty, whether complaint has been made to the Admiralty that the Clyde Bridge Steel Works and Mossend Steel Works, who were contractors or subcontractors under J. and G. Thomson (Limited), engineers and shipbuilders, Clydebank, near Glasgow, for the supply of steel plates for Government Contracts, were employing non-Union men, and paying less than Trades Union rate of wages; whether the Admiralty have investigated said complaint; and whether the firms in question have or have not failed to comply with the Resolution of the House of 3rd February 1891?


Steps have been taken by the Admiralty to investigate the, complaint that the firms referred to pay less than the current wages of the district, but no conclusion has yet been arrived at.