HC Deb 18 February 1895 vol 30 c959
MR. J. M'LEOD (Sutherland.)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland, whether he is aware that H. M. S. Jackal has seized during the previous week seven trawlers found trawling in prohibited Scottish waters; and, whether he will consider, in view of the services rendered by Her Majesty's ships in carrying out the Law, and as a means of further stimulating activity, the desirability of making some allowance in the shape of prize money to the crews of Her Majesty's ships engaged in policeing prohibited waters when a conviction follows seizure?


Yes, I am aware that on Saturday the 9th inst. and Sunday the 10th inst. H. M. S. Jackal seized seven trawlers found trawling in prohibited Scottish waters; I am informed by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty that they are averse to any money allowances being made to the crews of Her Majesty's ships for such services.