HC Deb 15 February 1895 vol 30 c837
MR. B. COLLERY (Sligo, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether, with regard to the deputation which he received from governors of lunatic asylums in Ireland on the subject of providing funds for the large contemplated outlay on those establishments, who pointed out the advisability of the Treasury advancing money without interest, as was done prior to the passing of The Public Works (Ireland) Act, 1877; if the Government intend taking powers to enable them to do so; and, whether the Government are aware that the large contemplated outlay of close on £700,000 has to be borne by the rated occupiers of land in Ireland, who pay the whole of the county cess.


In accordance with my promise to the recent deputation on behalf of the governors of the District Lunatic Asylums of Ireland, I duly brought their representations under the consideration of the Treasury. No final decision has been as yet come to.