HC Deb 11 February 1895 vol 30 cc464-5
MR. H. S. FOSTER (Suffolk, Lowestoft)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he has now satisfied himself that the wreck of the s.s. Elbe is a source of serious danger to the property of fishing vessels and trawlers by reason of the position of the vessel in the centre of the fishing beds, and the liability of the trawls and nets to get foul of the wreck; and whether he has taken any steps, as promised, for the placing of a lightship or lightbuoy over the position of the wreck?


The Board of Trade have no power to destroy the wreck of the Elbe or to place a lightship or lightbuoy on the spot. I have, however, informally communicated with the authorities of the Trinity House on the subject. I gather that they have no funds available for a pur pose of this kind except such as arise from the Mercantile Marine Fund, and that that fund has never been drawn upon except where dangers arise to navigation in the strict sense, of the term, and not as is put forward in this case to the nets or trawling gear of fishing boats, the reason being that fishing boats do not contribute to the Mercantile Marine Fund. It is also pointed out that the site of the wreck is nearer to the coast of Holland than to our own coast. I understand, however, that at my request the Authorities of the Trinity House are further considering the matter.

MR. MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)

asked whether it was not advisable to come to some understanding with foreign Governments as to the destruction of derelicts?


That question had better be addressed to the Foreign Office.