HC Deb 26 August 1895 vol 36 cc879-80

On the Resolution, That a sum, not exceeding £16, be granted to Her Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1896, for meeting the Deficiency of Income from Fees, &c., for the requirements of the Board of Trade, under the Bankruptcy Acts, 1883 and 1890, and 'The Companies (Winding-up) Act, 1890,'


said, that the two largest items in the Vote were £9,000 and £11,500. The former was for assistants in the Bankruptcy Department, and the latter for the Winding-up Department. One hundred and thirty-seven clerks, besides messengers, porters arid others, were employed, but the particulars as to the appointment of those persons had never been brought under the cognisance of the House. The Bankruptcy Department of the Board of Trade had now been in existence 12 years, and the Winding-up Department five years. He admitted that when the State took up a new business it was necessary to allow great latitude, but he thought the time had arrived when particulars ought to be given, not only as to the duties, but as to the qualifications of the persons employed. He therefore asked that in the next Estimates such particulars should be given.


said, he had to express his surprise that the hon. Member should have brought forward this matter to-night. He gave a very full answer to a question by the hon. Member on the subject, and the Secretary to the Treasury also replied to a similar question, and, taking both together, the reply might have reasonably satisfied the hon. Gentleman. He undertook himself to see, before next year, whether any reduction could be made in the number of clerks. They had been appointed by an arrangement with the Treasury. It was impossible to say how business would develop, and therefore to say the number of clerks that would be required, so that time was required to see how things would turn out.

Resolution agreed to.

Other Resolutions agreed to.

Whereupon, Mr. Speaker, in pursuance of the Order of the House of the 19th August, adjourned the House without question put.

House adjourned at a Quarter after Two o'clock.