HC Deb 29 April 1895 vol 33 cc12-3

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that, owing to the failure of the managers of the West London School District to provide adequate accommodation for the reception and education of the whole of the children chargeable to the parishes and unions comprised in their district, as required under 7 and 8 Vict. c. 101 and the Orders of the Local Government Board, the Fulham Union, being one of the unions comprised in such district, is being put to very serious inconvenience and expense, while a large number of children, who should be under school treatment, are retained in the workhouse to their serious injury; and whether it is the intention of the Local Government Board to compel the managers of that district to carry out the statutory obligations imposed upon them, and without further delay to obtain the accommodation necessary to enable them to receive all the children for whom they are constituted to provide.


The Guardians of the Fulham Union have represented to the Local Government Board the inconvenience to which they are put owing to the insufficiency of the school accommodation in the West London School District, but the Board have not felt able to press the managers of the school district to provide further accommodation pending the Report of the Departmental Committee, which is now considering the subject of Poor Law Schools. The Board have, however, instructed the Inspector of the district to visit the Fulham Workhouse and ascertain the existing state of things as regards the children there, and afterwards to confer with the Guardians with a view to steps being taken to meet the present difficulty.


When are we likely to be in possession of that Report?


I hope i will be in the hands of the Government before very long.