§ MR. P. J. KENNEDY (Kildare, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether, in 1285 view of the fact that the police code, published in 1881, with Amendments up to date, is the manual placed in the hands of recruits to the London police force, he would have any objection to the publication of the Royal Irish Constabulary Code by a member of that body?
MR. J. MORLEYThe publication referred to in the first part of the question is, I presume, that which deals with the general principles of police duty. It is not the code of the London police, which, as I stated yesterday, is a confidential publication. The Royal Irish Constabulary have also in their hands a manual of police duty, and, for reasons explained by me yesterday, I see no sufficient reason for consenting to the Constabulary Code being made available for public use.
§ MR. KENNEDYIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the book to which I have referred was published in 1881 by the then Director of the Criminal Investigation Department in London?
§ MR. KENNEDYMight I inform the right hon. Gentleman that the book is in the Library?