HC Deb 04 April 1895 vol 32 c927

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what are the districts covered by the present four female inspectors under the Factory Acts?


The female inspectors visit all parts of the United Kingdom to make such enquiries as Her Majesty's Chief Inspector considers desirable. They are not permanently attached to particular districts. I may add that Miss Abraham has recently visited different places in Ireland, and Miss Dean is at present making inquiries in the North of Ireland.

*MR. W. P. BYLES (York, W. R., Shipley)

asked, whether the appointment of four lady inspectors had not been greatly to the public advantage, and whether the right hon. Gentleman could not recommend the extension of their number?


said, he thought their appointment had been a great public advantage, and he should be very glad to see the number increased.