HC Deb 31 May 1894 vol 25 c21
MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether any, and if so what, steps have been taken to carry out the recommendation of the Royal Commission on Westminster Abbey, dated the 24th of June, 1891, that no time should be lost in removing the houses in Old Palace Yard, which not only conceal to a great extent the architecture of the Chapel of Henry VII. and the ancient Chapter House, but are also a constant source of danger to the Abbey from fire; and whether he will give the House an assurance on the part of the Government that no step of any kind shall be taken which would involve any of the ground so cleared being built upon without the matter being fully discussed and decided by the House of Commons?


For some time past negotiations have been in progress for acquiring the property required for the removal of the houses in Poet's Corner and Old Palace Yard which were condemned by the Royal Commission on Westminster Abbey. Arrangements have already been arrived at for the purchase of certain interests, including that of the freeholders, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners; and in other cases there is a good prospect of early settlements being effected. I do not think it will be found necessary to apply to Parliament for compulsory powers of purchase. When possession of the property has been obtained, which cannot be before the middle of next year, it is intended as soon as possible to demolish the buildings. The public will then be in the best possible position to judge what ought or ought not to be done. I can assure my hon. Friend that the Government will not come to any final decision on the question of a monumental chapel without giving Parliament a full opportunity of expressing its views thereon.