HC Deb 31 May 1894 vol 25 c25
MR. M'GILLIGAN (Fermanagh, S.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether lie is aware that in the town of Rosslea, County Fermanagh, which is a polling centre at times of Parliamentary elections, and where large fairs are held, there is no telegraph station; and that the nearest one is four miles distant, involving an extra cost of 3s. on each telegram to and from Rosslea; and whether, inasmuch as less important places have telegraph stations, will inquiries be made with a view to establish a telegraph station at Rosslea?


I find that in January, 1886, the residents were informed that a telegraph office could not be established at Rosslea unless a guarantee wore forthcoming to secure the Post Office against loss. In April of the same year a statement to the same effect was made in answer to a question in this House. I shall be glad to cause fresh inquiries to be made, and will let the hon. Member know the result.