HC Deb 29 May 1894 vol 24 cc1536-7
MR. PAUL (Edinburgh, S.)

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with reference to the assurances given by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Midlothian on 8th and l5th of June last, when effect will be given to the Resolution passed by this House on the 2nd of June directing that all open competitive examinations for the Civil Service of India shall henceforth be held simultaneously both in India and England?


(who replied) said: The Resolution of the House directing: that all competitive examinations for the Civil Service of India shall henceforth be held simultaneously both in England and India has been most carefully considered by Her Majesty's Government after consultation with the Government of India, and Papers on the subject have been laid on the Table of the House. The Despatch from the Secretary of State to the Governor General, dated April 19, 1894, states that Her Majesty's Government are most anxious that the natives of India should enjoy every facility, compatible with the maintenance of the efficiency of the administration and the safety of British rule, to enter the Public Service, and that they have reconsidered the whole subject with a sincere desire to give full weight to the arguments in favour of a system of simultaneous examinations; but they have arrived at the conclusion that there are insuperable objections to the establishment of that system, and that by far the best method of meeting the legitimate claims and aspirations of the natives of the country is to bestow such of the higher posts as can be made available for them on those who distinguish themselves by their capacity and trustworthiness in the performance of subordinate duties; and that upon a careful review of the whole question Her Majesty's Government agree with the Government of India that the system lately established is based on just and wise principles, and are of opinion that, subject to such alterations in detail as experience may prove to be necessary, it should be maintained.


I intend to call attention to the subject on an early opportunity.

MR. CAINE (Bradford, E.)

Is it the intention of the Government to take any action to rescind the Resolution passed by the House?


No, Sir; it is not.