HC Deb 29 May 1894 vol 24 c1543
MR. DODD (Essex, S.E., Maldon)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War why a peremptory Order has been issued from the headquarters of the Eastern District prohibiting the employment of civilians in the capacity of master bootmakers to the Infantry; whether he is aware that there is no such Order in regard to other districts, and none in that district or elsewhere as to Cavalry or Artillery; and what civilian or civilians this puts out of employment,' and how long notice he or they received, and for what length of time he or they have held such post?


By the Queen's Regulations of last year the shoemaker's shop of. each battalion was directed to be placed in charge of a properly qualified non-commissioned officer.: The officer commanding the 1st Battalion Suffolk Regiment having no properly qualified non-commissioned officer in his battalion to take charge of the shop, reported the fact to his General Officer commanding, when steps were taken to obtain a master shoemaker by transfer from another regiment, and to dispense with the services of the civilians who had been improperly employed.