HC Deb 28 May 1894 vol 24 c1414

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether any Report has been received from the local officials in Behar as to the meaning of the recent smearing of mango trees in that Province; whether the planters and other non-officials have been consulted; whether the area within which the phenomenon has occurred is more or less identical with that in which the Cadastral Survey is being made; whether he is aware that Mr. Gibbon, C.I.E., one of the most experienced planters in Behar, has publicly stated that a political movement is indicated; whether the Government has received Petitions, numerously signed by the agricultural population of Behar, protesting against the survey as a measure that is not supported by a single Native authority, and that is dreaded by all classes; and what period is estimated to be necessary for the survey and settlement of the whole of Behar?


The Government of India are inquiring into the matter to which the hon. Member's questions refer; but, at present, no Report either as to the methods of their inquiry or as to its result has reached me. Pending the receipt of such Report I am unable to answer the hon. Member's questions. With regard to the last of those questions, I have received no precise estimate of the time which the Behar Survey, which is at present confined to four districts of North Behar, is likely to occupy; but it is being carried on as rapidly as is consistent with completeness.