§ MR. CALDWELL (Lanark, Mid.)I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland whether the Scotch Education Department have any information as to the number of schools in Scotland other than State-aided, and as to the number of children on the roll or in average attendance at these schools; what is the number of children in Scotland between the ages of 5 and 14 who are receiving instruction otherwise than in State-aided schools; and whether the Department will, in their next Report, give statistical information regarding schools in Scotland, other than those which are on the Annual Grant List, setting forth, under separate headings, schools under any scheme authorised by the Department; schools under any other foundation or endowment; schools by companies, associations, or promoters; and all other non-State-aided schools; giving, under each heading, the number of children of all ages on the roll receiving secondary education and elementary education, and, where possible, the average attendance?
§ SIR G. TREVELYANThe Department issued in 1888 a Return which, amongst other particulars, gave such statistics as could be obtained with regard to schools other than public or State-aided schools. The districts in which such schools exist are a small proportion of the whole; and owing to the refusal of information in many cases the statistics in that respect were not reliable, had they been required for any administrative purpose. I have no reason to think that School Boards do not take account of such schools in their own district; but I cannot undertake to furnish the statistics referred to in the last paragraph of the hon. Member's question.