HC Deb 25 May 1894 vol 24 cc1270-1
MR. WASON (Ayrshire, S.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster General why, when the new establishment of surveyor's stationary clerks was created in August last, and three classes of stationary clerks appointed for England and Wales —namely, head stationary clerks, assistant head stationary clerks, and stationary clerks, no assistant head stationary clerks were appointed for either Scotland or Ireland; and whether he will take steps to place all these clerks, both in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, on a footing of equality?


In Scotland and Ireland the amount of work devolving on the surveyor's stationary offices is much less than it is in England and Wales, and the stationary staff is correspondingly less. It is not considered necessary that in either Scotland or Ireland there should be, as in England and Wales, an assistant head stationary clerk.