HC Deb 25 May 1894 vol 24 cc1275-6
MR. M. AUSTIN (Limerick, W.)

On behalf of the hon. Member for Middlesbrough, I beg to ask the Postmaster General what steps, if any, have been taken in placing the contracts with the various Shipping Companies for the carriage of Her Majesty's mails to force the Fair Contract Clause, passed by the House of Commons, relating to Government contracts; and if he can state the names of the Companies with whom such contracts have been entered into, and the names of the vessels, also the rate of wages paid to sailors and firemen employed on board thereof?


The Resolution referred to has not been considered, and I do not think can fairly be taken to apply to contracts in connection with the conveyance of mails with Steamship Companies, which, like Railway Companies, are primarily engaged in other large commercial operations. It is customary, however, to debar Mail Steamship Companies from sub-letting, and to stipulate that the ships should be properly equipped, manned, and officered. A Return of contracts with Shipping Companies is published every year in the Postmaster General's Annual Report.

MR. BODKIN (Roscommon, S.)

Then are we to understand that Ship- ping Companies are exempt from the operation of the Fair Contract Clause?

