HC Deb 10 May 1894 vol 24 c779
MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the serious rioting which took place on last Saturday evening at Whitehouse and Whiteabbey, County Antrim; whether he is aware that two Nationalist bands, while marching down the Shore Road, were subjected to an unprovoked attack of stones thrown by an Orange crowd at White-house; that an attack was made on the bands at Whiteabbey, where the police were compelled to fall back into the main street, after which they had to make a baton charge; that they were obliged to accompany the bands from White-abbey; and that both the police and the bands were persistently stoned for some distance after leaving Whiteabbey; whether any of the police or the people sustained injuries; and whether steps will be taken to bring to justice the ring-leaders of the crowds who are so frequently attacking peaceable and orderly bands along this road?


My attention has been drawn to the disturbances referred to, which resulted in the breaking of window panes and the infliction of personal injuries on both sides. One policeman was also struck on the head with a stone, but his wound is not considered dangerous. A number of persons can be identified by the police as having participated in the disturbances, and I am now in communication with the Law Officers as to the proceedings to be instituted. Under these circumstances, my hon. Friend will agree with me that It is inexpedient to prejudice the hearing of the cases before the Magistrates by entering into further details at present.