HC Deb 09 May 1894 vol 24 c746

Order for Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Bill be now read a second time."—(Mr. A. Cross.)

MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)

asked for an explanation of the measure.


said, the object of the Bill was to do away with a grievance largely felt among the smaller class of occupiers in Scotland. It was the practice in the month of February to settle the question of the occupancy of a house for one year from the following Whitsuntide. Many circumstances might arise which might make it undesirable that a small tenant should be saddled with a house for so long a period, and the object of the Bill was to amend the law in this respect. Reasonable conditions were introduced for the protection of all parties. The landlord was entitled under the Bill to obtain possession of his property in the event of the rent not being paid, and there was a clause providing that the rates should be compounded for. The operation of the Bill was limited to burghs, and to houses of under £15 a year in burghs. The Bill had been considered by working-class Societies and Trades Unions, and he believed that all the Scotch Members were in receipt of communications on the subject.

MR. W. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT (Cheshire, Macclesfield)

As this seems rather a complicated Bill, I must object to the Second Reading.


I hope the hon. Member will allow the Bill to proceed.


Perhaps the hon. Gentleman does not know that the Mover of the Bill is a Unionist.


I object.

Second Reading deferred till Monday, 21st May.