HC Deb 08 May 1894 vol 24 cc604-5

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that since the month of July, 1893, the mail steamers Majestic or Teutonic have on nine occasions left New York in company with the Paris or New York, and that eight times out of the nine the Majestic or Teutonic has made the faster passage; and if he will state on how many of those occasions the mails carried by the Majestic or Teutonic were delivered in London before those of the other vessels?


Since July, 1893, there have been 10 occasions on which the Majestic or Teutonic has left New York on the same day and at about the same hour as the Paris or New York. The result has been that mails brought by the two British vessels have on four occasions been delivered in London earlier and on two occasions later than those brought by the two American vessels. On the four remaining occasions the mails were delivered in London simultaneously.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether within the past 12 months the American Post Office have made any change in their system of despatching the mails, and in the selection of vessels to carry them?


If the hon. Member will put it down on the Paper I will try and find out, but there is no change so far as I am aware.