HC Deb 08 May 1894 vol 24 cc583-4
MR. DANE (Fermanagh, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland if his attention has been drawn to the case of two paupers, named Neil M'Hugh and Michael Cairns, who, on the 18th April last, were deported from Greenock, and personally conducted by a removal officer, named White, to the Enniskillen Union Workhouse; is he aware that M'Hugh had spent 51 and Cairns 45 years working in Scotland, and that the former at the time of his deportation was suffering intense pain from a broken arm; what is the sanction for such deportation; and will he communicate with the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant with the view of amending the present law, which imposes upon Irish ratepayers the cost of supporting persons who have spent their life and labour out of the country that gave them birth?


I am informed by the Board of Supervision that the Inspector of Greenock does not know about the case referred to by the hon. Member, as the paupers mentioned were not chargeable to or removed by Greenock parish. But if the hon. Member will state the name of the parish which removed these men, the Inspector will at once communicate alt the information that can be obtained. Removals are sanctioned by Sections 77, 78, and 79 of the Poor Law Act. The legislation contemplated by the last paragraph of the question would require very careful consideration.