HC Deb 29 March 1894 vol 22 c902
MR. J. STUART (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

On behalf of the hon. Member for East Northamptonshire, I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the inquest, on 8th March, on the body of a platelayer, named Cross, who was knocked down and killed at Irchester, on the Midland Railway; whether he hits observed that it appears from the evidence that a curve in the line and a bridge prevented Cross from seeing in time the engine which struck him down; whether previous accidents of a similar character have occurred in the same locality; what precautions are taken on the Midland line for the protection of platelayers under such circumstances; and whether he will have an inquiry made by a Board of Trade Inspector into the circumstances?


My attention has been called to the accident in question. I understand that the railway is on a slight curve only, the radius being 70 chains, and that there is no bridge or other obstruction to the view of the line in the direction of Bedford for the distance of about 400 yards from the point where Cross was working. The Midland Company have Rides for the guidance of their servants, and one of them (347) is specially directed to men working on the permanent way. A coroner's inquest has been hold, and the coroner reports that a jury of practical men, one of whom had been an engine driver, re-turned a verdict of accidental death. The Board of Trade have been in communication with the Railway Company on the matter, and I have come to the conclusion that further inquiry would not throw any additional light on this sad occurrence.