HC Deb 15 March 1894 vol 22 cc304-6
MR. OWEN (Cornwall, Launceston)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to a Vestry meeting, held 22nd of February, at St. Stephens-by-Launceston, for the purpose of electing a representative Governor on the trust of a charity known as Horwell's Endowed Schools, when the Vicar is stated to have put the nomination of a Mr. Thompson to the mooting, and to have declared him duly elected, although only five hands were held up in favour, while 10 hands were held up against his being elected, and that the Vicar refused to receive the nomination of another gentleman, and abruptly closed the meeting at the end of a few minutes; and whether such trustee has been elected according to law; and, if not, will he take the necessary steps to have such election declared invalid, and cause another meeting to be held to elect afresh? I will also ask the right hon. Gentleman if his attention has been called to the report in The Western Daily Mercury of a Vestry meeting held 22nd of February at St. Stephen's, Launceston, for the purpose of electing a Governor on the trust of Horwell's Endowed School, wherein the Vicar is said to have put the nomination of a Mr. Thompson without any reasonable interval, and refused to put the nomination of another gentleman, declaring Mr. Thompson elected, although only five hands were held up for him and 10 against; the reverend gentleman is said to have also abruptly closed the meeting without giving those present an opportunity of signing the same, and did not even make an entry, the whole meeting only lasting four minutes; if, on ascertaining the above account to be substantially correct, he will take steps to cancel the said election of a Governor, in order to have one elected in accordance with the wishes of the inhabitants; and will he propose to take steps in the matter?


My attention had not been called to the matter referred to prior to my hon. Friend giving notice of the question. The Local Government Board have communicated with the Vicar of the parish, and he states that Dr. Thompson having been proposed for the office the proposal was seconded and carried, five voting for the motion; and that it is not the ease that 10 voted against it. He adds that it was not until after Dr. Thompson had been elected, and the business of the meeting was at an end, that anything was said as to a wish that some other person should be proposed. Whatever may be the facts, the matter is not one in which the Local Government Board have any jurisdiction. They would not be empowered under any circumstances to declare the election invalid, or to cause another meeting to be held for a further election. As to my hon. Friend's second question on the same subject, I can only state that the Local Government Board are not empowered to take any steps to cancel the election referred to.