HC Deb 21 June 1894 vol 25 cc1619-20
MR. DODD (Essex, Maldon)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade what has been the result of the complaint laid before that Board as to the hours of labour of signalmen at certain boxes at Kelvedon, Witham, and other places on the Great Eastern Railway; and, further, to ask him the dates of the various steps taken in respect of that complaint under the recent Act giving power in such matters to the Board of Trade?


The Great Eastern Railway Company have agreed to reduce the hours at two of the boxes complained of. My lion, and learned Friend drew attention to the matter on the 19th of February, and the Board of Trade communicated with the Company on the same day. The Board then received a formal representation under the Act from the lion. Member, and, after consulting their Inspecting Officers, called upon the Company on the 8th of March for a Return of the hours worked by their servants in certain cabins. This Return was received on the 27th of March and considered by the In- specting Officers, and on the 9th of April the Board ordered the Company to submit a revised Schedule of the Hours of Labour within one month. This Schedule was received on the 4th of May, and as it was unsatisfactory in terms a conference between the representatives of the Company and the officers of the Board of Trade was arranged, and took place on the 4th of June. The Board are considering what further action shall be taken in the matter.