HC Deb 19 June 1894 vol 25 cc1474-5
MR. MOLLOY (King's Co., Birr)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware of the serious difficulties encountered by the Birr (King's County) Board of Guardians in dealing with the matter of labourers' cottages in consequence of the continued inability of the Guardians to obtain valuation by the Land Commission of the land acquired for these cottages; if he is aware that the Guardians have failed to ascertain even approximately a date when the Commissioners will hold a sitting; and whether he can bring any pressure on the Land Commission to proceed with these valuations, and permit of the completion of the purchase of the laud required for these cottages?


The Land Commission inform me that they are not in any way responsible for any delay which has occurred in any application by the Guardians of this Union to have rents fixed upon plots taken up on lease by the Guardians under the Labourers Acts, and that if any such delay occurred it is solely due to the Guardians themselves. Mr. Commissioner Fitzgerald holds frequent sittings in Dublin to dispose of applications under the Labourers' Acts, and all that the Guardians have to do is to produce to him an affidavit of value made by some competent valuer, and a conditional Order is immediately issued fixing the rent of each plot according to the valuation of such valuer. This is the established practice of the Land Commission, and, as I am informed, is well-known to the Guardians. Notice of the sittings under the Labourers' Acts by Mr. Commissioner Fitzgerald is given in the daily papers, and if longer notice is required it can always be obtained by application to the Land Commission, as Mr. Fitzgerald is always ready to fix a sitting for a new date whenever there is any business under the Labourers' Acts to be disposed of. There are only four applications by the Guardians of the Birr Union at present outstanding.


Is the right lion. Gentleman aware we have made application to the solicitor, who says he is unable to give us any information as to when the sittings will be held?


As I have said before, the delay is often due to the Guardians themselves.