HC Deb 18 June 1894 vol 25 c1355
SIR W. LAWSON (Cumberland, Cockermouth)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to a placard which appeared in the window of the "Plumbers' Arms," Hastings Street, Judd Street, Euston Road, which states that, to prevent disappointment to children through not getting an adequate Christmas-box, children will, on obtaining beer, &c, for their parents, each receive a coupon, and will return the coupons so obtained throughout the year on 31st December, 1894; and whether he can direct the police to interfere in this matter?


It is true that the placard was placed in the window of this public-house and coupons given to children who purchased beer there for their parents and take it away. This is no offence against the Licensing Act, but the practice of inducing children to purchase beer by such means has been made the subject of special instruction to the police, who are directed to caution publicans that, if continued, the facts would be brought before the Licensing Justices when applications for renewal of licences were made. In obedience to the instructions referred to, the publican in question was cautioned in this case.