HC Deb 14 June 1894 vol 25 c1078
LORD G. HAMILTON (Middlesex, Ealing)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty if it is true that the latest torpedo boat destroyer building for the Admiralty has in a recent trial developed from the type of boiler adopted a speed per hour of nearly a knot in excess of its predecessor; whether the boilers in this vessel were of the tubulous type; and what is the general character of the boiler specifications in the contracts made for the building of the 36 additional torpedo boats ordered last year?


On her full-speed trial the Hornet attained a speed more than a knot in excess of that of the Havock, built by the same firm. The boilers of the Havock are of the locomotive, those of the Hornet of the tubulous, or water-tube type. Five of the 36 additional torpedo boat destroyers ordered last year are specified to have locomotive boilers, the remainder to have boilers of various forms of the water-tube type.


I think the right hon. Gentleman does not quite appreciate the point of my question. I wish to know, in view of the result of these experiments, what guarantee there is that the best type of boiler will be supplied to the 36 additional torpedo boat destroyers already ordered?


said, the results of trials of the Havock were extremely satisfactory. Only five of the additional torpedo boat destroyers were, however, specified to have locomotive boilers.