HC Deb 07 June 1894 vol 25 cc577-8
MR. DODD (Essex, Maldon)

I beg to ask the Parliamentary Charity Commissioner who are the present Trustees of Cowley's Charity, and of the other parochial charities of Swineshead, Lincolnshire; and how many of them are popularly elected, and how elected; when last accounts were furnished to the Commission of Cowley's, and of the other charities, and what was the amount of the income shown on such accounts; and under what will or scheme those charities are now administered; and when last accounts were furnished to the Commissioners of the charities of Norton, Worcestershire?


Cowley's Charity is regulated by an Act of Parliament (21 & 22 Vic. c. 81) confirming a scheme of the Charity Commissioners. Rules thereunder were approved by the Board on the loth of May, 1860. The trustees appointed under the scheme are—the Vicar of Swineshead and the Incumbent of Chapel Hill for the time being respectively and six persons named therein, any vacancies occurring to be filled by co-optation subject to the approval of the Commissioners. According to the accounts for the year 1893 the present trustees are—the Vicar of Swineshead, Mr. John Cooper, Mr. Charles H. Sharpe, Mr. William R. Sharpe, Mr. George Bett, Mr. Robert D. C. Shaw, and Mr. Ebenezer Wilson. The last accounts are those for the year 1893, and the income shown therein is about £268. Butler's (or the Causeway) Charity is apparently administered under two deeds made in the reign of Charles I. Trustees were appointed on the 17th of December, 1880, by an Order of the Board. The present trustees are—the Rev. Joseph Holmes, Mr. John Cooper, Mr. John Harrison Brown, Mr. Robert D. C. Shaw, and William Sparrow, who are apparently the surviving trustees under the above-mentioned Order. The last accounts are those for the year 1893, the income mentioned therein being about £57. The Poor Charities are regulated by a scheme of the Charity Commissioners of 29th of March, 1888. The body of trustees is constituted as follows:—Three ex officio trustees, i.e., the Vicar and two elected Guardians of the Poor of the parish of Swineshead. Four representative trustees to be appointed as follows:—Two by ratepayers of Swineshead to the exclusion of the Hamlet of Chapel Hill, one by ratepayers of Hamlet of Chapel Hill, and one by School Board of Swineshead, and four eo-optative trustees. The present trustees, according to last accounts, are—The Rev. Joseph Holmes, Mr. John Cooper, Mr. John H. Brown, Mr. William Sparrow, Mr. Robert D. C. Shaw, Mr. George Bell, Mr. George Smith, Mr. Ebenezer Wilson, Mr. William Cheetham, Mr. William R. Sharpe, and Mr. Joel Goodwin. The last accounts are those for the year ended the 21st of March, 1893, the income shown therein is about £213. In answer to the concluding paragraph of the question, there appear to be three parishes in Worcestershire bearing the name of Norton—namely, (1) Norton-by-Bredou; (2) Norton-by-Evesham; and (3) Norton-juxta-Kemp-sey. If the hon. Member will specify the parish to which the question refers, the information shall be afforded.