HC Deb 04 June 1894 vol 25 c304

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether, having regard to the fact that the Board of Trade stated on the 29th ultimo that a communication had been received from the Secretary of the Metropolitan Railway Company intimating that the question of foul air between certain specified stations on that line would probably receive the attention of the Board at its next meeting, and seeing that a meeting of the Board was held on the 30th ultimo, he is now prepared to say what action, if any, is to be taken in providing for the better ventilation of the tunnels?


The Board of Trade have now received a communication from the Railway Company in which it is stated that the atmosphere of the tunnel sections referred to can only be improved if the Local Authorities show themselves willing to accord the Company reasonable facility for constructing openings into the roads running over the line of the tunnel. The Company further intimate that they will, as hitherto, exercise every precaution for maintaining the tunnel atmosphere in as good a condition as circumstances admit.


asked whether he would consider the desirability of following some American examples of electric traction, with the object of securing a better atmosphere in the tunnels; and whether the Local Authorities had been asked to allow openings to be made?


said, he presumed from the tenour of the letter of the Company that they had. No doubt, the use of electric traction would help to purify the atmosphere.