HC Deb 30 July 1894 vol 27 c1247
MR. CHANNING (Northampton, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the repeated prosecutions of Mr. H. Binder before the Oundle Bench of Magistrates for non-compliance with Orders to vaccinate the same child; whether it appears that H. Binder was convicted and fined on 31st July, 1890, 28th August, 1890, 22nd March, 1894, and 14th June, 1894, in respect of Orders to vaccinate the same child; and whether, having regard to the course adopted in these cases, he will direct the fines to be repaid?


I am informed that two Orders have been made (in July, 1890, and March, 1894) for the vaccination of Mr. Binder's child, the defendant in each case being required to pay costs, and that he has been convicted and fined (in August, 1890, and June, 1894) for non-compliance with each Order. As I have frequently stated, I regret these repeated prosecutions in respect of the same child, but in the present state of the law I have no power to interfere.


Am I, then, misinformed as to the statement made, that the right hon. Gentleman has ordered the remission of fines in cases where they have been inflicted for the same child?


So far as my information goes, I have never ordered the remission of fines except where there has been subsequent evidence of the vaccination of the child. I do not feel that I am entitled in the present state of the law to order such remission, although I much regret their infliction.