HC Deb 30 July 1894 vol 27 cc1250-1
MR. SPICER (&c.) Monmouth,

I beg to ask the Postmaster General, in view of the fact that during the last two and a-half years 14 Post Office officials from the North Wales District have been appointed to postmasterships, and during the same period only four officers from the South Wales District have been appointed to similar positions, and that the Shrewsbury office alone has received more of these appointments than all the South Wales offices, will he take steps to ensure that the South Wales officials shall receive their proper share of these appointments; and will he issue instructions that in future all applications for postmasterships shall be sent direct to London instead of being sent through the local officials, and that, in London, the most suitable candidates shall be selected, and their superior officers then be asked for a Special Report as to their qualifications, &c., and thus do away with the habit (which now largely prevails) of the postmasters failing to recommend their best clerks, because they do not wish to spare them?


These appointments are not given according to districts, and if one district has received more than another it is a mere accident. I always look carefully into these cases myself, and select the candidate who, in my judgment, is the fittest for the particular post to be filled. The mode of procedure suggested is not feasible, the information necessary with a view to selection being only to be obtained locally. As regards the habit to which my hon. Friend refers as largely prevailing, I am certainly not aware of it; but if he will send me any particulars justifying the statement, I will have inquiry made.