§ MR. PINKERTON (Galway)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware of the strong feeling in the County of Londonderry in favour of having the new asylum erected in a central part of that county; whether any decision as to the site has been arrived at; and whether he will suggest to the Board of Control the desirability of selecting a site in a central district?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. J. MORLEY,) Newcastle-upon-TyneI am aware that several communications have been received in favour of various sites—situate indifferent parts of the County Londonderry—for the new asylum. The question of selecting a site is at present under consideration, and no decision has been come to, or will be arrived at, without full consultation between the Board of Control and the Board of Governors.
§ MR. PINKERTONIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Corporation of Derry are bringing undue pressure to bear on the Board of Control to influence the decision of that body?
§ MR. J. MORLEYThe Board of Control have not made any complaint to that effect.
§ Sir T. LEAalso asked a question as to the sites inspected by the Visiting Committee; but Mr. J. Morley intimated that 1119 he could not answer offhand, and the hon. Baronet thereupon gave notice that he would put a question on the Paper for Monday.