§ MR. FIELD (Dublin, St. Patrick's)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Agriculture whether the additional room provided by the Mersey Dock Board at Birkenhead lairages was from "unscheduled" to "scheduled" lairs, and the cattle also being transferred at same time actually reduced rather than increased former accommodation; whether he is aware that the scheme of extension at a considerable distance from the lairage proper was carried out by the Dock Board contrary to the wishes and caution of the trade; whether the trade is ever consulted directly or indirectly by the Board of Agriculture Inspectors; and whether the Dock Board wharves are used indiscriminately as reception lairages contrary to the Order in Council?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE (Mr. H. GARDNER,) Essex, Saffron WaldenThe additional accommodation provided by the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board at the Foreign Animals Wharf at Wallasey during the year 1893 was in part obtained by the absorption of a portion of the space previously used as a landing place for cattle not subject to the requirement of slaughter; but I do not think it could be said until quite recently that the alteration in the arrangements with regard to Canadian cattle rendered the accommodation at the wharf less adequate than before, inasmuch as the falling off in the trade last year more than equalled the total number of cattle landed at Liverpool from Canada. With regard to 1012 the changes made last year, I am informed that the trade were consulted by the Dock Board at the time, but that the Board found it impracticable to adopt the only alternative suggested. It it certainly my wish that the Inspectors of the Board should make themselves acquainted with the views of the trade upon matters with which we have to deal. With regard to the character of the arrangements at Liverpool we have no complaint to make. They afford adequate security against the introduction of disease, and satisfactorily carry out the objects and intentions of our Order.