HC Deb 26 July 1894 vol 27 c1015

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland if the Fishery Board has power to prevent Sunday and daylight fishing in the Sound of Kilbrennan and Loch Fyne waters, and if he is aware that such fishing is now carried on?


The Fishery Board are invested with power to prevent Sunday and daylight fishing in the Sound of Kilbrennan and Loch Fyne by the Herring Fishery (Scotland) Act, 1889, Section 5. I am informed by the Fishery Board that, in consequence of representations made recently by the Secretaries of the Tarbert and Ardrishaig sections of the Argyll and Bute Fishermen's Association, instructions were issued to the officer in command of Her Majesty's cutter Daisy to visit the waters referred to, and to see that the law regarding Sunday and daylight fishing was strictly observed. The officer visited the localities mentioned, but was unable to detect any breaches of the law. Should definite information be lodged with the Board of an infringement of the Act, the Procurator Fiscal will be at once communicated with, with a view to legal proceedings being instituted against the offenders.