HC Deb 26 July 1894 vol 27 cc1018-9
MR. SAUNDERS (Newington, Walworth)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been called to a notice recently issued by Lord Walsingham, in which he announces to his cottage tenants that, in the event of any further increase in the parish rates, such increase cannot be borne by his estate account, but will be added in due proportion to the rents charged for the cottages; and also to a notice from the Duke of Beaufort to his tenants, in which he states that he will only withdraw the notices to quit recently issued to them on condition that Admiral Close resigns his churchwardenship, or, if he cannot legally do so, that he appoints a deputy or sidesman, and that he gives in writing his promise not in any way to interfere with the repairs, &c. of the parish church, and not to attend any parish meetings called in reference to anything to do with the church; and whe- ther, in view of the recent passing of the Parish Councils Act, and the duties of churchwardens in reference to parish churches, landlords are to issue such notices?


I have no knowledge of the facts, but assuming them to be as stated, I am advised that they do not involve any breach of the law.