HC Deb 23 July 1894 vol 27 cc668-9
MR. MACDONA (Southwark, Rotherhithe)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that on the 18th instant a large amount of wreckage was reported to have been seen about 14 miles off Flamborough Head; and, if this be so, will he instruct the Trinity House Board to send out a vessel to make further search for a derelict supposed to be afloat in that locality?


On the 17th instant the Receiver of Wreck at Newcastle forwarded to the Board of Trade a Report by the master of the ship Ruth that on the 15th he had passed the quarter deck of a large sailing ship floating about 14 miles S.E. ½ S of Flamborough. A copy of the Report was at the same time sent by him to the Trinity House, in accordance with the general instructions issued by the Board to Receivers of Wreck. A Report was also received by the Board on the 17th instant from their Deputy Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Blyth of a waterlogged vessel passed by the Constantine on the 14th instant 15 miles S.S.E. of Flamborough. This information was telegraphed by the Board of Trade to the Trinity House. The Trinity House inform me that a thorough search was made by their steamer Argus on the 18th and 19th instant all round the position reported, but nothing was seen of the wreckage in question. If further information should come to hand as to this alleged derelict a further search will be made for her, in case her position can be approximately fixed.