§ MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1) is he aware that a water bailiff named Connell employed by the Limerick Conservators was charged at Croom, on 11th June, with firing a revolver at Patrick Kennedy, and that the case was dismissed on the ground that the shot was merely fired to attract the attention of another water bailiff; (2) Was the Crown legally represented on the occasion; did the police neglect to arrest Connell for several days; and did they report to the authorities that so serious a charge was to be tried; (3) Is he aware that Connell was fined previously for firing a revolver while drunk at some persons at Annacotty, County Limerick; (4) Will the Government inquire whether persons living on the banks of the River Maigue are seriously alarmed at the way in which armed bailiffs use or threaten to use their pistols under the pretext of preserving the river from poachers; (5) Will Connell be allowed by the Executive to retain his weapon; and (6) Who were the Justices who decided that the firing at Kennedy was lawful?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY FOR IRELAND (Mr. J. MORLEY, Newcastle-upon-Tyne): (1) The facts appear to be as stated in the first paragraph. (2) The Crown was not legally represented on the occasion, but the District Inspector of Constabulary had charge of the prosecution. The warrant for Connell's arrest was issued on the 5th June, but by direction of the Justice who issued it, it was not executed until the 11th June—the date of Petty Sessions, where it was known Connell would attend to give evidence in some poaching cases. The occurrence was duly reported by the Constabulary, and the District Inspector instructed to take charge of the proceedings. (3) Connell was fined about a year ago for having been drunk while in possession of a revolver, but not for having discharged the weapon. (4) The Constabulary report that poaching is carried on to a considerable extent on the River Maigue, and that no respectable persons in the locality have ever complained of the conduct of the bailiffs. (5) Upon the information at present before me there are no sufficient grounds for depriving Connell of his revolver. (6) The Justices present at Croom Petty Sessions on the 11th instant were Mr. Dickson, R.M., Sir David Roche, and Messrs. Fitzgerald and Harris. They were unanimous in refusing informations against Connell.
§ MR. T. M. HEALYHas a Resident Magistrate power to suspend the operation of the law? The warrant for this man's arrest was not executed until six days after its issue. Who signed the warrant?
§ MR. J. MORLEYThat I cannot say.