HC Deb 19 July 1894 vol 27 cc360-1
MR. JOHN BURNS (Battersea)

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works, whether he will cause to be re-opened, for children to play upon, several of the grass plots of which they have been deprived in St. James's Park; and whether he will follow the example in other parks and reduce the height of all the railings, and, in several cases, remove entirely the high and ugly cast-iron railings that obstruct the view of the gardens in St. James's Park?


I should like to point out that St. James's Park is virtually one with the Green Park. If the amount of grass available in the former for a playground is insufficient, children can cross the Mall to the Green Park, where there are about 40 acres of grass unenclosed. The beauty of the flower beds and lawns in St. James's Park is a special feature, which I do not think anyone wishes to impair. But I am anxious that the enclosure should not be more than is necessary, and I have given directions for a portion of the grass in the south-east corner of the park to be thrown open. A lighter railing, whenever practicable, will be substituted for the existing fencing, a good deal of which is unnecessarily heavy.

MR. PIERPOINT (Warrington)

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he can see his way to making the parks a little more decent and suitable for children by putting an end to the hideous ravings of political and religious tuft hunters?

[No answer was given.]