HC Deb 12 January 1894 vol 20 cc1441-2
MR. SEXTON (Kerry, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is now in a position to state the proposed terms of Reference to the Select Committee to be appointed to inquire into the working of the Irish Land and Purchase Acts?


It is impossible on this occasion to give the precise words of Reference, but I may state generally the objects the Government have in view. The first, object is to inquire into the principles upon which the Land Commission has proceeded, especially in regard to the question of tenants' improvements, in the administration of the fair-rent clauses of the Acts of 1881 and 1887, and of the Redemption of Rent Act of 1891. The second object is to inquire into the administration and practice in respect of the various Acts affecting the purchase of land by advances of public money, and I think, in connection with this branch of the matter, the Committee might well inquire into the operation of the Registration of Title Act, as it greatly affects the status of tenant purchasers. The third object is to inquire into the distribution of the business of their department by the Land Commission; and the fourth object is to make such suggestions as they may deem expedient as to any improvements in the law or practice which their inquiry may show to be desirable.


Then the Committee will report as to any amendments required in the law and in practice.


That is what I intended to indicate in the last sentence of my answer.