SIR E. ASIIMEAD-BARTLETT (Sheffield, Ecclesall)I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether the Russian Government have ordered three new battleships to be commenced in 1894, thus bringing the number of 1463 Russian battleships built and building up to 17 (10 first-class and 7 second-class).
* SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHThe newspaper statement to this effect has been seen at the Admiralty. The facts of the case have necessarily been observed. But it is not desirable to make any official statement upon them, at all events, until the announcements are made as to our own Estimates for the coming year.
§ SIR E. ASHMEAD-BARTLETTMay I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether it is not the fact that in the course of the year 1894 France and Russia will have in course of construction 16 new battleships, while we have only three just commenced?
* SIR U. KAY-SHUTTLEWORTHI think the hon. Gentleman had better wait until the announcement is made as to what we ourselves propose.